In 1492, after conquering this last outpost of Moorish rule in western Europe, they annexed Granada to Castile. During the Edwardian War the English took control of large areas of southwestern France and the northern coastal city of Calais. Civil wars were also taking a toll, as powerful families struggled over control of duchies in France. Once Rome declared victory over the insurgents in Gaul they focused on attacking the Franks. The exploration of North America revealed two important facts to the English, French, and Dutch: there was probably no Northwest Passage to the Indies, and there was no quick or easy way to create a wealthy empire. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? Germany, Italy land Switzerland were divided into kingdoms, duchies and cantons whose rulers had their autonomous territories. Henry VIII is now considered the true Renaissance prince. Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great or Charles I, was the king of the Franks from 768 and the king of Italy from 774, and from 800 was the first emperor in western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier. France was once again established as the major power on the European continent. Q: What is the native language of Cleopatra VII, otherwise known as Cleopatra Queen? One of his first acts was to execute 270 people who had been involved in the Comuneros revolt. He believed he had left to his son, King Philip III (15781621; ruled 15981621), a nation relatively free from international difficulties. Spanish hold on far-flung territory that was eight times the size of Castile and held one-fifth of the world's population. Its significance goes far beyond its role in a few centuries in the European Middle Ages, however. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. This official church court was charged with finding and punishing pagans and heretics (those who did not adhere to the laws of the church), namely Jews and Muslims. Specifically, the issue was whether the king had the right to appoint bishops (heads of church districts) without the pope's approval. Louis's son, King Charles VIII (14701498; ruled 148398) then married Anne of Brittany (14771514) and merged Brittany, the last remaining Which European wrote the first travelogue detailing China's history, culture, and art? This brief war (fought over the course of mere weeks) pitted Prussia and her allies against Austria and other German states. 1624 he arranged for Charles to marry Henrietta Maria (16091669), the sister of King Louis XIII of France. More than 80,000 people were deported. In 1346, Edward III won a notable victory at Crcy in a battle that showed the superiority of English ground troops and longbows (oversized stringed weapons used to shoot arrows) against the French knights in armor. The council ended its work by issuing a statement that upheld Catholic doctrine (religious rules), but it showed more tolerance of opposition. In 1328 his nephew, Philip VI (12931350; ruled 132850), took the throne as the first king from the Valois (pronounced val-WAH) family, a branch of the Capetians. He was a mem ber of the house of Lancaster, but after he married Elizabeth of York, the War of the Roses officially ended. Pole was an English aristocrat who had lived in Italy since Henry VIII's break with the papacy. He led an army of 37,000 men against a Spanish army of equal numbers. They spoke different languages belonged to different ethnic groups, were were no close ties binding them. ." Hawkins opened up English trade with the islands in the Caribbean Sea in the New World, and Drake circumnavigated (sailed around) the globe between 1577 and 1580. Thus, on March 17, 1558, the last Tudor monarch of England ascended the throne. Trait 1: +3% Troop Health. In the Theses Luther listed his grievances with Roman Catholicism, such as his opposition to the practice of selling indulgences (forgiveness of sins). The Spanish drove the French out of Italy in 1495. In the golden age of Portugal, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Portuguese explorers sailed most of the world's seas. Henry therefore seemed to personify many attributes of the Renaissance. Henry VIII, whose heart had never really been in the war, also quickly came to terms with Charles. His son Sebastian later conducted sea expeditions for both England and Spain. She was beheaded, along with her husband, Guildford Dudley, in 1554. Territory that is now France was invaded by tribes from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). In the period following the discoveries and conquests of the Spanish and Portuguese, geographic expansion was accomplished by the English, French, and Dutch. In 1553 she restored the Latin Mass and the following year she recognized the jurisdiction of the pope in England. power of the great feudal lords. Soon he had many enthusiastic followers called Lutherans, who joined him in initiating the Protestant Reformation. The incompleteness of the fusion became fully evident in 870 when the Empire was split into the West Frankish Kingdom (which became France) and the East Frankish Kingdom (which gave rise to Germany and the other . Ferdinand and Isabella first waged war against the Moorish kingdom of Granada, on the southern end of the peninsula. He realized that England did not have the financial resources to fund any involvement in a war. Although he sailed as far as the Venezuelan coast, he never found the rich kingdoms of the Orient. Francis had grown up in the court of King Louis XII and was called the dauphin. A: Francia . During his last days, some of his advisers attempted to give the throne to Jane Grey (15371554), the king's distant relative and a supporter of Protestant causes. By Julie E. Hughes (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2013) 304 pp. Nationality: France. The dispute over whether France or Spain had the right to rule Naples and Sicily had been going on since the thirteenth century. The English were weakened by their loss to the French during the Hundred Years' War. Cromwell was eager to form an alliance against Charles V by joining England with one of the Protestant states in Germany. Pope Clement VII joined Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England in the League of Co gnac, an alliance against Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. The execution of the Catholic queen was a signal to Philip that he must seize the throne of England. Beginning with Champlain in 1600, the French pushed their way down the Saint Lawrence River to the Great Lakes. Charles had firmly consolidated . Rise of Kingdoms is a game for iOS and Android with which you can enjoy the whole experience of a strategy game at your fingertips. From their base of operations in Quebec, New France's capital, the French surged farther into the North American interior. lasted one hundred years. Unable to capture Paris by force, Henry embraced Catholicism in 1593 and entered the city peacefully the following year. Spain resumed wars in Italy (161516), however, and then entered the Thirty Years' War by sending troops into Germany (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 8). Many who refused to reject Protestant beliefs continued to worship in underground churches or fled to countries on the European continent. At the time Charles was preoccupied with campaigning for the position of emperor and with putting down the Comuneros revolt, so he dismissed Luther as an insignificant heretic. Henry and his advisers were fearful of a Catholic attempt to invade England. The conflic, Catherine de' Medici The ones to avoid are the Arabia, Ottoman and Byzantine civilizations. The Angevins and the Argonese both continued to claim the right to rule Naples and Sicily. By the early seventeenth century, however, Spanish people had become convinced that Moriscos were plotting with Muslim and Protestant enemies to overthrow the Catholic state. The group called the Gallicans supported the king, and the group called the Ultramontanes (meaning "over the mountains") cast their allegiance with the pope. Nevertheless, the emperor was still the most powerful political figure in the Christian world. Like his father, he was a devout Catholic, yet he lacked Philip II's intelligence and commitment to work. Richelieu followed a systematic policy that enhanced the king's absolute rule at home and fought against the power of the Habsburgs abroad. With the Comuneros fractured by internal bickering, the royal army easily crushed Acua's army at the Battle of Villalar in April 1521. Charles returned to Spain from Germany in 1522. It was the first grammar school to provide rigorous instruction in the classical languages. These requests raised a question about rights to sea routes. Having Hernando de Soto (c. 14961542) navigated the Mississippi River, and Francisco de Coronado (15101554) traveled through territory that is now northern Mexico Henry's wife, the strong and determined Margaret of Anjou (14301483), gathered those loyal to the house of Lancaster and asked them to support the king. Most of all, she embodied the spirit of her peoplea determination to survive and indeed prosper in the face of enormous odds. Ten years later, France declared bankruptcy (a lack of funds to pay bills). Joanna and Philip were proclaimed queen and king of Castile in 1504, but Ferdinand did not approve of the situation. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? A year later, in October and November 1520, Magellan navigated the treacherous straits (now known as the Straits of Magellan) at the continent's cape and sailed across the Pacific, the world's largest ocean. As a sign of his authority he had lilies, the In 1266 King Charles I of France (Charles of Anjou; 12271285; ruled 126685), the youngest brother of King Louis IX, took the thrones of Naples and Sicily (called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies). The original settlers from North Africa were the Iberians, and the area now occupied by Spain and Portugal was named the Iberian Peninsula. His opponents for the position were King Francis I of France (see "France" section previously in this chapter) and King Henry VIII of England (see "England" section previously in this chapter). A new royal house, the Tudors, began with this marriage. The queen died two years later. Most reforms took place in Castile, the larger and stronger of the two kingdoms. Since she had no heirs, the Tudor dynasty came to an end. In 1643 the king dismissed him and appointed his nephew Lus de Haro as the new chief minister. Catherine of Aragon died a natural death in the same year. The king was a member of the house of Lancaster, and many blamed him for the loss of the Hundred After the Portuguese defeated the Spanish in a war over the throne in 1385, John established a political alliance with England under the Treaty of Windsor (1386) that has endured to the present day. He was not interested in intellectual affairs, though his mother, Margaret Beaufort (14431509), countess of Richmond and Derby, did provide patronage for The plot failed, however, and Essex was arrested. Their efforts were inspired by the humanist ideals of questioning authority and valuing the worth of the individual (see "Humanists promote change" in Chapter 1, and "Humanism sparks Renaissance" in Chapter 8). He called this new territory Louisiana, in honor of France's king, Louis XIV. In America, Spanish conquistadors had established courts of law in eight colonies, as well as three universities. Between 10,000 and 14,000 Frenchmen died, and many others were taken prisoner, including Francis himself. The Spanish lost 1,000 men. Once within range of the Armada, the English ships were able to fire their weapons at the Spanish vessels from a relatively safe distance. The problems started when Isabella died in 1504. The expanded Frankish state he founded is called the . Today Mary is best known as "Bloody Mary" because of her persecution of Protestants. In France, the Capetians (pronounced cuh-PEE-shuns) gained control of nearly all duchies (fiefs) by staging internal wars . In 1514 England made peace with the Scots, who had invaded England and been defeated at Flodden the previous year. In these wars, Spanish armies were victorious for the sixth time. The Reformation had begun thirteen years earlier, just before Charles became king of Spain. They had the support and advice of Isabella's priest, Francisco Jimnez de Cisneros (14361517), and Gonzalo Fernndez de Crdoba (14531515), the foremost military leader of his day. Residents were allowed to transfer to larger houses that remained open or to renounce (refuse to follow) their vows. In 1560 the Spanish attempted unsuccessfully to take Tripoli, a port city in northwest Lebanon, from the Turks. Especially strong kings were Louis VI (called the Fat; 10811137; ruled 110837) and his son Louis VII (c. 11201180; ruled 113780). 22 Feb. 2023 . Originally employed as a designer of costumes and stage sets, Jones was commissioned by James to erect a new Banqueting House in Whitehall. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. The election day became the starting date permanently with Sigismund. This decision gave the advantage to the English main fleet, which departed from Plymouth and was sailing with the wind. At the bottom were serfs (peasants), who farmed the fiefs but were not given land of their own. In an effort to prevent this outcome, Ferdinand brought Charles's younger brother, Ferdinand, from Flanders to Spain. In 1620 Frederick lost the throne of Bohemia (he was nicknamed the "Winter King" because he ruled for only one winter) and was stripped of all his territories in the Holy Roman Empire. The pope also entered into the famous Concordat of Bologna with Francis the following year, 1516. She was burned at the stake in 1431. He married Louis's daughter, Claude de France, in 1514. The situation changed after 1474, however, when Pope Sixtus IV (14141484; reigned 147184) gave. The English, however, were soundly defeated at every turn by the superior Dutch navy. He also formed marriage alliances for his children with the royal families of England and the house of Habsburg (a royal family in Austria). The child king was placed in the Tower of London along with his brother; those who had opposed Richard were executed. During his reign classical learning continued to dominate education and literature. Although the fiercest fighting over African colonies would not occur until the eighteenth century, English and French expeditions managed to take control of various slaving stations along the coast of Africa. 6. The court paid small pensions (financial allowances for retired people) to the former monks and nuns, and larger ones to the former abbots and priors (heads of monasteries) who had cooperated in the closing of their houses. scholars. The heavy Spanish ships headed for open water as the lighter English vessels pursued them. (Such an action was not unusual during the Renaissance, when rulers constantly shifted strategies to promote their own interests.) At Bicocca in April 1522, the French suffered a major defeat and lost the duchy of Milan. Richard was killed in the battle and Henry took the throne as King Henry VII (ruled 14851509). He was put on trial and sentenced to death. Immediately after becoming king, he married Catherine of Aragon (14851536), the widow of his brother, Henry VII. By that time Germanic tribes, called the Visigoths, had carved up Spain In January 1919, two months after the fighting in World War I ceased, a conference was convened at Versailles, the former country estate of the French monarchy . One of the most powerful Capetians was William II (c. 10281087), the duke of Normandy, a duchy in northwestern France. Not long after Columbus's discovery of the New World in 1492, Pope Alexander VI ordered that the newly discovered lands be divided between Spain and Portugal. Henry declined to join the French effort. Charles also continued the war against France in Italy. Real-time Battles: In this game, you can do the battles on a huge . When Columbus returned from this "New World," Ferdinand and Isabella asked Pope Alexander VI to recognize Spain's authority over these new lands. In the process, the colonizing pattern of European powers was altered greatly. Landing in Peru in 1532 with a small Spanish army, Pizarro first befriended then captured the Inca emperor, Atahuallpa. Shortly after the death of Henry V, Charles VII (14031461; ruled 142261), who was Charles VI's son, slowly began to regain French territories from the English. ." The forerunner to the European explorers was the Venetian traveler Marco Polo (12541324). Known for its elegant prose style, the King James Bible is still considered the "authorized version" by many Protestant faiths. Columbus's ships went off course and he did not reach Asia. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Medina-Sidonia was an army commander, so he protested that he was unqualified to lead a naval fleet. Philip's only son, Carlos, was exhibiting bouts of severe mental instability. Monarchs (kings and queen with supreme rule) in France, England, and Spain responded to the chaotic situation in Europe by consolidating their power. Charles V won his greatest victory as seventy thousand imperial soldiers annihilated the forces of the German Protestant princes at Mberg. Shortly after becoming king, Henry enacted a pro-Spanish and anti-French policy. Joan stood near Charles VII as he was crowned king at Rheims, France, in 1429. Charles saw this as a chance to occupy Naples, so he marched his army into Italy. She was even able to convince the reluctant dauphin (pronounced DOH-fehn; the son of the French king, in this case the future Charles VII) to defy the English and take the throne of France. Nevertheless, the monarchs were able to apply the same policies to both kingdoms. from Flanders. Moriscos were also fiercely opposing the efforts of the Inquisition. The great abbeys (churches connected with monasteries) were suppressed one by one in the next few years. The three main conflicts were the Edwardian War (134060), won by English king Edward III; the Caroline War (136989), won by French king Charles V (13371380; ruled 136480); and the Lancastrian War (141535), won by French king Charles VII (14031461; ruled 142261). Isabella believed that only Catholicism could unite the separate provinces of Spain. While Charles clearly eclipsed his two great rivals, his struggles with Francis over Italy dominated European politics for most of the sixteenth century. Cranmer was dismissed from office and placed under house arrest, while Reginald Pole (15001558) was brought back to England to take the archbishop's place. Armed resistance from the most troublesome nobles was crushed by Fernndez de Crdoba's armies. The siege has often been called the "German Fury" because the majority of the marauding soldiers were German Lutherans. In the early 1400s the Renaissance was spreading across Europe. English exploration and discovery began in the previous century, during the reign of Henry VII, when John Cabot made a voyage from Bristol to Nova Scotia (in what is now Canada) in 1497. Some collections remained in cathedrals that had earlier been associated with monasteries, like Canterbury and Dudiam, while others were acquired by Oxford and Cambridge universities or by private collectors. Medina-Sidonia had been ordered not to engage in battle with the English until he had made contact with Parma. Francis was a dashing figure, a man of immense charm who had a lust for life. Soon the stability of England was threatened by complex internal conflicts over the question of who should be king. Under the last of the Valois kings, Charles IX (15501574; ruled 156074) and Henry III (15511589; ruled 157489), a series of fierce religious civil wars devastated France. The Italian Wars were continued with renewed vigor under King Francis I (14941547; ruled 151547), who became known as a Renaissance prince during his long reign. Edward began to lose support, even in the house of York. Elizabeth was highly educated. Many Spanish ships broke up on the west coast of Ireland, and only half of the Armada eventually returned to Spain. The final push for Italian unification came in 1859, led by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia (then the wealthiest and most liberal of the Italian states), and orchestrated by Piedmont-Sardinia's Prime Minister, Count Camillo di Cavour. At the top were kings, who owned the land. After the death of Charlemagne (pronounced SHAR-leh-main; 742814; ruled 80014), the great Frankish king, the vast Carolingian Empire broke up and the title of emperor was passed to German rulers in the eastern part of Europe. Serfs started escaping to urban areas in search of work. Mary had widespread popular support, and she immediately began undoing the Reformation in two stages. legitimized the. Login. In 1474 Isabella succeeded her brother Henry IV (14251474; ruled 145474) to the throne of Castile. Those who chose to stay in Spain had to submit to baptism (a ceremony marking admission into the Christian religion) or be put to death. By the mid-thirteenth century, the present boundaries of Portugal were established and Lisbon became the capital. One by one the Spanish ships broke their cables and headed for open water. In 1587, even before the Armada could set out, the English seaman Francis Drake launched a surprise attack on the Spanish ships, which were anchored in the port of Cdiz, Spain. Thus, from the outset of their arrival in Spain, Jews were separated from Christians. Once he had returned to France, however, Francis declared the Treaty of Madrid to be null and void. The noblemen of Castile opposed the marriage because they knew a strong monarchy would In expedition after expedition, Portuguese ships inched their way down the African coast. Philip's forces demolished the French at Saint Quentin. His discovery made possible two other historic events: the conquest and colonization of the American continents and the circumnavigation of (completely go around) the globe. Charles was executed in 1649 and the Puritans took control of the government, bringing about the decline of Renaissance values in England. But after the duke was defeated and killed in a battle in 1477, Louis was able to reunite Burgundy with France. Charles's spokesmen claimed the troops had moved on Rome against Bettmann Archive/Getty Images. At the same time religious reformers, first in Germany and then in the Netherlands and Scandinavia, were leading a movement against the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3), by Thomas Babington Macaulay This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. For six years, Francis remained in France, where he became an enthusiastic patron of the arts. The Renaissance also brought several technological innovations that made ocean exploration safer and therefore more likely to be undertaken. Calling themselves Comuneros and supported by practically all levels of society, they demanded that no foreigners be appointed to government positions. timer. The conquest of the American natives by Spanish conquistadors happened within a few decades. By this time Elizabeth had prepared the English fleet and organized a dedicated but small land army. He began organizing the famous "Invincible Armada," a fleet of 130 heavily armored ships that carried 30,000 men, for an invasion of England (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). According to the contract, they were to rule their own kingdomsthat is, Ferdinand was the king of Aragon and Isabella was the queen of Castile. Protestant leaders looked to the queen's half-sister, Elizabeth, as a possible Protestant replacement. France was then ravaged by an internal war between the Orlanists (a family in the duchy of Orlans, in north central France) and the Burgundians (a family in the duchy of Burgundy, in northeastern France), who were both claiming the right to the French throne. The Spanish king, Ferdinand II of Aragon, had conquered and an nexed the small kingdom of Navarre, situated between France and Spain on the Bay of Biscay (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). 30 seconds. By the year 1700, there were not two, but five important European empires with influence throughout the world: Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands. In the meantime, Santa Cruz died and Philip replaced him with the inexperienced Alonso Prez de Guzmn (c. 15501619), duke of Medina-Sidonia. The enormous strain of directing such a massive empire had taken a toll on Charles. militia to put down noblemen's efforts to revolt. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (15331603; ruled 15581603) is known as England's golden age. He was crowned King Edward VI at the age of ten, but he was too young to take the throne. The Waldensians were advocates of the views of Peter Waldo (also known as Pierre Valds; d. before 1218), an early French religious reformer who protested against corruption in the Catholic Church. From 1609 until 1614, between 300,000 and 350,000 Moriscos were forced to leave Spain. . to France. The growing emphasis on capitalism and trade in Europe was probably the most influential factor in the drive for exploration. The Catalans also had the right to raise their own army to defend themselves, as well as the right to refuse to quarter foreign troops, including Castilian, on their own soil. He returned about a year later with the news that he had discovered the Indies. Much of the wealth seized from the religious houses was spent on warfare. When the popes would not give in to Philip's demands he resolved the situation by having his agents arrest Pope Boniface VIII (c.12351303; reigned 12941303). Here, you can find the complete list of all questions used for the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. After a six-month battle, however, Edward's forces killed Neville and proclaimed victory. Their efforts to find a sea route to Asia (then called the Indies) resulted in the European age of exploration, one of the great achievements of the Renaissance period. Known as William the Silent, he was the ruler of Orange, a province in southeastern France. He made peace with Spain, then attempted to arrange a marriage between his second son Charles (King Charles I; 16001649; ruled 162549) and the daughter of the Spanish king, Philip III. A Spanish army, Pizarro first befriended then captured the Inca emperor, Atahuallpa as king VII. An end ( ruled 14851509 ) were executed stood near Charles VII as he was crowned king at Rheims France. Along with her husband, Guildford Dudley, in 1554 to the great Lakes a man of immense who! 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